DCS Inventory Software
A Powerful Simple to Use Inventory Control Software
Finding Which Bill of Materials Use the Inventory Part
With this screen the user can locate a part in inventory using the search engine then search all of the bill of materials for that part.
When the search is complete the software will display all of the bill of materials that currently list that Inventory part.
The user can then click on one of the assembly numbers and the software will display the complete
This is extremely useful for when the user is searching for Part B that is used together with Part A
and the user does not remember the stock number for Part B
Utilizing the picture driven aspect of the software the user can click in the BOM list and use the keyboard arrows to scroll.
A view history check box is available to display when parts were added or removed from the BOM.
It is also useful for searching for an inventory part that is no longer used in a bill of materials.