Barcode Inventory Support

Supports RS232 Serial and USB Type Barcode Readers

Using a Barcode Label Program the Inventory system can generate Barcode labels with Picture and print to avery sheet labels.
The Software will also print directly to the Dymo Label Printer with several label sizes.

Keyboard Wedge Reader: A Barcode Keyboard Wedge Reader is a hardware device which reads the barcode then converts the data into (AscII keyboard codes).The computer sees this just the same as if it was typed from the keyboard.

Portable Data Collector: A Portable Barcode Reader is an microcomputer, which may include a display , key-pad and memory for data and program storage.The barcode infromation is stored in the reader and then downloaded into the Inventory Software program for processing

Wireless Real-Time Reader: A wireless RF Real-time Barcode Terminal may also be used. It has a base station that is connected to a dedicated computer with a Barcode Requisition Screen Open in the software.
The Barcode Terminal then has a two way link with the Inventory Control Software.

Symbol P360 Symbol MC9190-g Symbol MT2000 Wired Laser Scanner Wireless Scanner